“From Freezing to Freedom: The Heartwarming Rescue of a Cold Dog in Need”

This Dog Was Freezing For So Long In The Cold Weather Before Rescuers Came And Saved Him

There are some dogs that start off life at a disadvantage. Abandoned and left to fend for themselves, these furry friends strive to survive in harsh conditions. Such was the case for Keanu, who was heartlessly abandoned in the woods with no food or water, left to face the cold alone.

At his lowest point, Keanu had lost all hope until two compassionate individuals found him and turned his life around. He was nothing but skin and bones, but with love and care, he began to heal and thrive once again.

photo of dog lying on frozen ground

When Ne La and Adrian first laid eyes on Keanu, they found him in a dire situation. He was teetering on the brink of no return, with very little hope of survival at that moment. Keanu was stretched out on the ground in the forest, completely still and unresponsive to the presence of his rescuers. He lacked the energy to even lift himself up or acknowledge them in any way.

man lifting dog from the ground

After reaching out to 1 Dog At A Time Rescue, Keanu was swiftly taken to their vet, Denisa. According to Jayne, the co-founder, it took several hours for him to start showing signs of improvement. When he was on the way to the vet, Keanu had no energy left and had to rely on the kindness of humans as he lay in the car, barely able to lift his head.

dog lying in a car covered with blanket

Upon reaching the vet clinic, Keanu was promptly hooked up to an IV. After a few hours, he finally showed signs of improvement. He opened his eyes slowly and began to lick the hands of his rescuers, a gentle gesture of gratitude. Keanu truly has the kindest soul.

close-up photo of the dog being fed

The rescue team at 1 Dog At A Time was smitten by the gentle and kind demeanor of Keanu as soon as they laid eyes on him. Jayne recalled how everyone who met him instantly fell in love with his sweet and gentle nature. During the initial week, Keanu remained still, with his food and water bowl kept close by. However, after a few days, he showed signs of progress by getting up on his paws and taking a few steps. Witnessing Keanu finally move was a heartwarming moment for all involved. As he ventured outside, his recovery took a positive turn, marking a significant milestone in his journey towards health and happiness.

rescued dog named keanu

According to 1 Dog At A Time Rescue, Keanu showed remarkable improvement in just a few weeks. He began taking longer walks and socializing with other dogs, especially his pal Elsa. Despite these activities, Keanu’s top choice is simply laying under a tree, savoring the peaceful moment. The rescue organization described him as a calm and easygoing dog who enjoys the simple things in life, like relaxing outdoors.

woman petting the rescued dog

Keanu’s spirit has truly returned to him, and it is evident in the joy and gratitude shining in his eyes. He is thrilled to have a second chance at life and is now eager to give back all the love and care he received during his recovery. Jayne describes him as a once-in-a-lifetime kind of dog, truly special in every way.

Fortunately, Keanu soon found a caring family who welcomed him into their home with open arms. With his new loved ones, he is able to showcase his amazing personality and enjoy endless days of adventure without a care in the world. After all he has been through, he truly deserves this happy ending.

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