A Homebody Cat: From Outdoor Adventurer to Indoor Enthusiast, Embracing the Cozy Life.

After spending the majority of his life outdoors, a cat decided to give indoor living a chance, and it ended up being a game-changer.

feral cat tabby

Meet Big BernRonnie, the beloved tabby cat rescued by Ronnie (@bkronniecats) in Brooklyn, NY. Ronnie is known for his dedication to helping community cats in the area, and Big Bern is one of his success stories. Found a few years ago, Big Bern had a rough time surviving on the streets, but thanks to Ronnie’s care and attention, he now enjoys a safe and comfortable life. Give Ronnie a follow to see more heartwarming tales of his feline rescues!

feral tabby cat

Ronnie, known as @bkronniecats on social media, had a feeling that Big Bern could be a friendly cat. With determination, he devised a plan to provide Big Bern with the comfortable and secure life he deserved.
Rescuing Big Bern was no simple feat, but Ronnie successfully brought him indoors and out of harm’s way. Understandably, Big Bern was initially scared and resistant to the sudden change in his life. However, with some patience and space to adjust, the situation gradually improved.

feral cat tabby big bern

Ronnie, who goes by @bkronniecats, spent the majority of his life homeless. Though initially timid, a cat named Big Bern quickly grew to enjoy being petted. The gentle chin scratches and belly rubs helped ease the fear in his eyes, allowing him to relax for the first time. Big Bern longed for love, but struggled to show his desire for it due to his deep-rooted fears.

tabby cat indoors

Big Bern, a rescued tabby cat, has shown great improvement over time. However, he still requires a long-term foster home to continue his journey towards full recovery. Luckily, PuppyKittyNYCity, an animal rescue based in NYC, has opened their doors to him.
“He spent most of his life on the streets. Despite being incredibly sweet, he can be a bit shy initially,” Meagan from PuppyKittyNYCity revealed to Love Meow.

cat belly rubs

Ronnie from @bkronniecats found out that Big Bern, the tabby boy he’s fostering, has a strong love for belly rubs. In addition, whenever Big Bern sees a feather toy, he goes into full-on predator mode, chasing it every night with dedication and excitement. His foster mom is always ready for the nightly feather toy chase, as Big Bern waits by the bed in anticipation.

happy playful cat

Big Bern is a huge fan of playing with his favorite toy, PuppyKittyNYCity, but what he loves even more is getting lots of pets. At first, he would cozy up under the bed for some pets from his foster mom and would show his appreciation with loud purrs, kneading his paws, and maybe a little drool.

tabby cat under bed

He used to seek comfort under the bed when needing some belly rubs, as it was his own little safety zone. Big Bern’s purrs are so powerful, they fill the room with warmth. He is always on time for meals and will wait patiently for his food to be served. Big Bern has made some great progress in the past few months and is blossoming into a more outgoing and confident cat.

playful chunky cat big bern

These days, he enjoys leaping onto his preferred seat and requesting affectionate chin and face rubs. His absolute favorite is getting his belly and back gently rubbed, which never fails to turn him into a puddle of happiness every single time.

snuggly tabby cat, big bern cat

Now, he eagerly settles into his comfy chair to soak up all the love and attention from PuppyKittyNYCity visitors.
Big Bern has become a huge sweetheart, ruling the roost with the regal demeanor of a true king.

tabby cat big bern

He is being treated like royalty at PuppyKittyNYCity
“He needs a home that will show him patience and be willing to reach into his hiding spot to show him love. We are committed to giving this wide-eyed, plump kitty the perfect forever home.”

tabby cat mirror

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