Rescuers Save Matted Pup and Give Him a New Leash on Life

Rescuers Found A Dog Who Was Severely Matted And Helped Him Transform Completely

We all know that for our furry friends to be at their best, regular grooming is a must. This is especially important for dogs with glorious, long locks.
Grooming entails giving their fur a trim, shave, or clip when needed, as well as making sure their nails are in good shape.
If your pup doesn’t get pampered every so often, their nails could start to curl inwards and their fur could become a mess, leading to discomfort and pain – just like in the tale of the dogs we’re going to talk about today.
A Heroic Save

man holding ball of fur

When the rescuers from Animal Friends Connection Humane Society in Lodi, California got word about two puppies living in poor conditions in someone’s backyard, they knew they had to step in to help. Upon arrival, they were shocked by what they saw – one pup and one fluffy bundle who turned out to be another pup underneath all that fur. The matted pup, Tony, was one of the worst matting cases the rescuers had ever encountered, while the other dog, Clive, was scared and dirty but in better shape. The backyard where they were found was filled with garbage, not a healthy environment for the pups. Thankfully, the rescuers were able to swiftly rescue them and take them away to a better future.

woman with hat holding dog

Getting a Makeover
After Clive and Tony were rescued, they were taken to the shelter where they were given some much-needed care. Clive got a nice bath, while Tony had his tangled mats shaved off in a haircut that was long overdue.

The rescue team had their concerns about Tony being scared during the grooming process, but they were pleasantly surprised when he wagged his tail throughout the whole thing.

Victoria, one of the rescuers from Animal Friends Connection Humane Society, shared, “He was such a good boy. He knew we were helping him, and he was craving that connection.”

Before they knew it, Tony was looking fresh and feeling free!

shaved dog at home

After removing the heavy burden of seven-and-a-half pounds of tangled fur, Tony underwent a stunning transformation into the most adorable pup imaginable. The rescuers were in awe of how such a small dog managed to bear the weight of all that hair, but they were also filled with anticipation to see how his future would unfold now that he was free.

dogs on street looking up

Following their amazing change, Tony and Clive were welcomed into the loving care of Muttville Senior Dog Rescue before being adopted into their forever families.

woman with sunglasses posing with dog

Tony, now known as Riley after being adopted by his new mom Toni, is thriving and living his best life. Ever since he was rescued from the mats, he enjoys going on exciting adventures and exploring the world with his beloved hoomans.

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